
The key to any successful youth structure is the coaches/managers who look after the young players who join the club. It is their dedication to the youngsters and ensuring the environment they train and play in is fun, enjoyable, structured and rewarding that produces the happy, smiling faces that turn out at weekends at Old School lane and around the county. At Pegasus F.C we support our coaches to the maximum to instil in them the need for young players to enjoy and be happy when taking part. It is our core value. Of course, it is great to win trophies, leagues, tournaments and simply matches but never at the expense of a simple team being together and relaxed and enjoying every minute of the experience of playing in their respective age groups.

All our youth coaches and managers are minimum level 1 (Junior badge) accredited together with first aid qualification and CRB checking all done and renewed in accordance with FA standards. Pegasus Football itself is a FA Charter Standard Accredited club. The time devoted to simply achieving these qualifications is an indication of the dedication of all our club coaches. They are the single most valuable asset the club possess.

Monthly managers meeting are held to ensure the youth section is functioning correctly. It gives an opportunity to put forward ideas, share stories and air any problems that have arisen. It is also a great time to support managers who may be experiencing difficulties with players, parents or simply having a tough time. It’s nice to know you have your fellow coaches support on a cold, wet winters training night!

Our managers are always on hand to talk to any youngster wishing to join the club via email or phone. Initial contact can be made via the clubs website and email address from where it will directed to appropriate age group coach concerned.

Kevin Bishop